All factories are distributed throughout China.How can we effectively provide quality control in China to our clients? Because we have more than 60 inspectors in major coastal cities in China,we allow our customers to book an inspection one day in advance. Local inspectors spend less time on traffic,which leave more time for inspection in one day. In order to meet the challenges of increasing quality requirements of customers and widely distributed inspectors,we have established online training systems and on-site training programs. The problem of quality control in China was really solved for the clients. At the same time,there will also be some clients who are dedicated to setting up their own inspection team,but is this really feasible,can it be done? You can find answer in Set Up Own QC Team.
With such an inspection team,how does CLI inspection help clients control inspection fees? And how many parts does the inspection fee consist of? Another article Pricing will give a detailed explanation.
CLI inspectors are distributed in all coastal cities,eastern China,and the most important regional manufacturing center for consumer goods made in China.They are responsible for 95 % of the quality control in China for customers imported from China.
Shanghai,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Anhui,Fujian,Jiangxi,and Shandong contribute 80 % of the export of light industrial products every year. The service of quality control in China is needed to help clients reduce risks. The west contributes 80 % of the labor force to suppress manufacturing.
Heilongjiang,Jilin and Liaoning are traditionally heavy industrial bases,but labor-intensive light industrial products are very weak.Quality control in China can also provide some related inspection services there.
Let’s take a look at the main members of our team:
Robert Guo has been in charge of textile products in the CLI for 5 years. He is responsible for technical support for training,supervision of textile production line and QC team. Robert holds a bachelor’s degree in textile engineering. He worked in a large inspection company for 6 years and was good at preparing technical documents for all textile products.He also had strong background in textile product inspection and engineering.
Richard Liu,who joined CLI inspection from a large inspection agency,has been in charge of on-site household products for 8 years. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and once worked as a quality engineer for a well-known brand of small electrical appliance manufacturer. He has perfect technical knowledge and quality prevention measures for household production lines that do not have existing standards.He is also good at preparing new product inspection plans.
Since 2010,William Zhang has been the head of the CLI for electrical and electronic products. He grew up in the CLI testing company. Before this,he worked for 5 years in a purchasing agency company. With a bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronic engineering,William is very happy to accept the job. He conducts on-site training for electronic and electrical inspectors. When Richard Liu was not in the company,he was able to serve as the on-site home product supervisor on a temporary basis.
Kent has worked in the CLI inspection department for 5 years. At first,he was a hard-line inspector,due to his good working spirit and personal ability,he was promoted to be the chief inspector in charge of Guangzhou and nearby cities in 2014. Kent holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering and is good at finding internal quality in quality inspection. In his spare time,he likes online games and travel.
Jack has been engaged in the inspection industry for more than 12 years. He is a quality engineer in the China representative office of Hong Kong trading company. He joined the CLI in 2010 and has expertise in testing soft,hard,electrical and electronic products. When working, he is good at discovering and summarizing routine checks. Friendly personality and willing to share experiences. He was promoted to chief inspector in 2013.
Peter has consumer goods inspection skills covering hard and soft wires. He worked as a quality engineer for home textile manufacturers for three years and then joined furniture manufacturers as a senior quality engineer. Before joining the CLI,he had accumulated 5 years of testing experience in a large testing agent. His rich working experience and good working spirit promoted him to be the chief inspector in 2014.
David joined CLI inspection in 2012. Before this,he was a quality engineer in supply chain management of a Fujian large trading company. His previous work experience enabled him to inspect almost all consumer goods in Fujian province,including soft wires,hard wires,electrical and electronic products. He is the treasure of CLI. In 2015,he was promoted to senior inspector. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration.
Gary joined the CLI as chief inspector in 2013,but he has been engaged in quality inspection for 10 years. He has worked for a large inspection agency for four years and has professional knowledge of textile,flexible cord,household,hard wire and electronic products. He is good at on-site training of new inspectors and is willing to share his valuable experience and knowledge with new inspectors who won the title of best on-site trainer in 2015. Gary holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering.
Max joined the CLI in 2012.He is a purchasing engineer in China representative office of a large purchasing agency,who focuses on supplier evaluation and sample development. His product expertise includes cord wire, hard wire and small household appliances. Max holds a degree from the university of chemical engineering and is quick at learning new things.He was promoted to chief inspector in 2014. In his spare time,max likes traveling,photography and spicy food.
Steven has a baby face,but he has been working in the inspection industry for eight years. He joined the CLI inspection in 2011.before that,he was a production manager of a small household appliance manufacturer in Zhejiang and was familiar with the safety standards of electrical products. In addition,he is also an excellent inspector of household and hard-wired products. He was promoted to chief inspector in 2015.
Tim worked as a quality inspector in Guangdong for five years before deciding to accept the position of chief inspector in Qingdao. He is good at testing textiles,household products and lighting products. He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. With the trend of Chinese industry moving from east to west,Tim’s professional skills will become more important to CLI in the next few years.
Andy joined the CLI in 2011.He used to work as a quality inspector in a Shenzhen trading company,took responsible for the quality of shipments in Hebei and its neighboring cities. He has a variety of testing skills,including textiles,flexible cords,and household hard wire. During the past year’s inspection,he often found internal and potential quality problems in products. Andy was promoted to chief inspector in 2015.
Anson holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering,but he has worked in the inspection industry for 10 years. Before deciding to join the CLI,he has been an inspector of Hong Kong trading company in Dongguan for six years. Due to his past product expertise,he easily takes responsibility for the chief inspector to handle on-site training,product inspection,quality risk analysis and other issues. Besides,he is crazy about spicy food.
Smith relocated himself as chief inspector of CLI in Wuhan in 2013. Previously,he worked as a hard-wired product inspector for CLI in Zhejiang for 3 years. Smith holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering,which enables him to quickly learn electrical and electronic product inspection. As the industry shifts from east to west,CLI will definitely benefit from his quality expertise in the next few years. In his spare time,he likes playing cards and travelling.
Jeff has been engaged in the inspection industry in Guangdong and Zhejiang for 8 years. Before he moved to Nanjing as a chief inspector of CLI,he had professional inspection knowledge covering textile,flexible cord,household and hard wire products. Over the past few years,he has helped the management team collect a large amount of inspection and training materials. Jeff holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering and has good working spirit. We are proud to have talented employees like him.